Sunday, August 24, 2008

My olympic presentation

Hi my name is Michaela and I am going to tell about room 20 Olympic corner. Well we working on our Olympic Corner.
An Olympic corner is a thing were you can do anything about the Olympics like an Olympic medal table that's when you have about 7 or 8 countries and you have got to keep all the countries on track. What I mean by that is you have bronze silver and gold paper like orange yellow and grey paper and then you go on the computer and find a web site that tells you how many sliver bronze or gold they have. Oh and I forgot to tell you my rime here it is
Seven slimy slow snails slowly sailed the seven seas to seek sloths the next one is like this Six smelly shoes smelled six pies and the lest one goes like this Eight enormous
elephant ate extraordinary emu eggs sorry but I have to go so bye bye.

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