Sunday, August 31, 2008

Student lead conference on Tuesday

On Tuesday we did SLC. We showed our work that we did. First we showed our narrative and a piece poetry. Then we tried out our instructions that we made. After that we showed our reading book to our parents. Then we showed our maths by answering to questions and show the working out. Afterwards we showed our parents our favourite piece of art. After we did that we showed the inquiry like the presentation or the evaluation sheet. Then we showed the parents how to get to the this blog. Then we showed the things like dream maker, communicator, team player and thinker.

These are the people that did it on Tuesday.

Thursday, August 28, 2008


My name is Brittany and I am going to tell you about myself.
My favorite sport is running.
And my favorite food is strawberry's what is yours?.
I like collecting stickers.
I have 2 sisters and 1 brother.
My parent's name is Juliana and John.
On Saturday I do this thing could the harriers and I represent university of Canterbury.And on Tuesday I go running with my cousins holly,Nathan,Ryan,Annalucy
My sister Olivia and some other people Libby and any.
thank you for listening


Hi our names are Xiaoling and Rhiannon
Our teachers name is Mr Holland.
Here are some pictures of him and other people.
He is funny because he tells funny jokes.

By Rhiannon and Xiaoling


Each Wednesday me[Annabelle]Yoo- Kyung and Jessica but Theresa was going to but she is in Melborn.
These are what we made.
I made a Pengiun,a dog and some sunglasses.
Jessica made 2 snakes,a Pengiun,a cat and a cone.
Yoo-Kyung made,2 dogs and 2 monkeys.
We had a lot of fun doing Origami.


By Annabelle.


Hi my name is Xiling and I'm going to tell you about origami.

Jessica,Annabelle,yoo-kyung are in the origami club.I've done some origami with my sister
Xiaoling,my brother Nicklaus enjoys origami too and he is really good.
Origami means folding things in Japanese and I thinks its really cool.
Jessica is really good at making the snake,I found out its easy too,
my sister enjoys making the balloon you can blow it up ... too bad it doesn't floats in the air.
I like making the pencils because its really cool!!

You can try doing origami at home!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Ronald Mc Donald

Our names are Brittany and Jordyn.
Today we are going to tell you about Ronald McDonald.
Yesterday he came to visit.
He told us about road safety.
He comes from MC Donald's.
Ronald told us a story about his red and white socks.
He calls his driveway the 'sneaky driveway'.
Do you now another name pedestrian crossings.
It is a zebra crossing.
When you go to the road remember to stop , look and listen.
The teacher in room 1 told us the story.


By Jordyn and Brittany!!!!

Photo Competition

Here is a really cool competition for EVERY child in the school. It is for Arts Week in week 8. If you want to view it in google docs, click here. Otherwise go through it within your blog here:

ICAS results

We got our results for the Science ICAS test. I was presented with my certificate in assembly because I got a distinction.


On Wednesday I had my SLC
and these people were with me
Jack B,Seo hee and me Jessica!!!
We made a poster and it was on
the Olympic games. Next we showed
our books.
Then we showed our blog!!!
And my dad came.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Student led conference

Hi!!! My name is Jordyn.
Today I am going to tell you about my student led conference.
My mum and dads names are Rachel and Jeremy.
At the student led conference my mum and dad,helped with my writing and reading.
We worked out what I could do better,I did well.
In my student lead conference I showed my parents how to do a blog.
I also showed them the medal table.
Did you now that China won the Olympics?
They won with 51 gold medals!Wow!!!
USA came second and Russia came third.
New Zealand came 19.(That's really good)
Well anyway my student led conference was a great success

Monday, August 25, 2008

My kittens

Hi my name is Millie.
My cat Mosey had nine kittens.
The kittens can fit on my hand my hand is 12 cm long.
They look like mice.
Some are brown ,some are creamy colour.
I was so surprised that Mosey had nine kittens.
I have to go now so goodbye for now.

by Millie

Room 20 blog

Hi we go to Fendalton school and we are in room 20.
Our teacher is called Mr Holland.
He is the best teacher in the world because he is funny,nice and crazy!
And absolutely weird.
Now we are going to tell you about room 20 blog.
One night he went home and made a room 20 blog
The next day he came to school he told us about the blog.
After lunch we were aloud to make a blog.
Lauren,Brittany and I made a blog at the same time.
It was so cool.
I will tell you what our favourite sport is.
Lauren's is singing.
Brittany's is running.
And mine is soccer.
We like our sports.
We have a question for you.
The answer is at the bottom.
How long does it take to get to England to New Zealand.
We like it in room 20 and i hope you liked our blog.
We are all best friends for life.
Thank you listining

PS 24 hours


From lauren, Brittanay and Rhiannon

Sunday, August 24, 2008

My olympic presentation

Hi my name is Michaela and I am going to tell about room 20 Olympic corner. Well we working on our Olympic Corner.
An Olympic corner is a thing were you can do anything about the Olympics like an Olympic medal table that's when you have about 7 or 8 countries and you have got to keep all the countries on track. What I mean by that is you have bronze silver and gold paper like orange yellow and grey paper and then you go on the computer and find a web site that tells you how many sliver bronze or gold they have. Oh and I forgot to tell you my rime here it is
Seven slimy slow snails slowly sailed the seven seas to seek sloths the next one is like this Six smelly shoes smelled six pies and the lest one goes like this Eight enormous
elephant ate extraordinary emu eggs sorry but I have to go so bye bye.

Olympic events

In the Olympic games there are events. Olympic events are not that much violent.
These are my favourite events.

Javelin is a event that you need to throw a sharp stick and make it go really far. You have 3 tries of throwing the stick.

Long jump

Long jump is a event that you run up and then jump the furthest. You will land on the sand at some point of your jump.

Hammer throw

Hammer throw is a Olympic game and a heavy ball stuck to a flexible metal kind of string. You have to throw that ball far to win this event.


Vault is a sport that you run up and flip over and the better you do the more chance of winning.

Table tennis

Table tennis is a game that you need to have a small racket and smack a ball so it can go to your opponent. If you smack the ball and it hits somewhere that is not where the table is the opposite person gets a point. The first one that gets 21 points win.

This is all of my favourite Olympic sports.


All about me

Hi. My name is Jooyoung.

I am 8 years old.

My favourite food is pizza.

My friends are Yuri, Ben, Jamin and Moss.

I like doing maths because its fun.

I am very short.

I am only 120cm.

I have a sister called Jungeun.

She is a year 9.

Thank you for listening.


Rainy Day

Why has it been so rainy, because I don't like it because we can't go outside or play games it isn't fair. The good thing is that we played outside for lunch today well for playing that is. For eating we stayed inside.


Hi my name is Rhiannon.
I have nly been here for 3 weeks.
I have a sister called Phillipa.
My dads name is Phillip.
My mums name is Sharon.
My other sisters name is Lauren.
Lauren is 20 years old.
Phillipa is 10 years old.



This term our class designed a ultimate shoe mine was a sport shoe it had lots and lots of colour.
I loved Theresa's shoe it looked exactly like real running shoe [ she is a really good at drawing].
We also made an Olympic corner. It was great fun.
In our Olympic corner we made a big medal chart Bronze,Silver and Gold.

By Emily Wium.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Olympic Games

Hi. I'm Jooyoung and I am going to talk about the Olympic Games.

China is 1st on the table.

USA is 2nd on the table.

Russia is 3rd on the table.

Great Britain is 4th on the table

Germany is 5th on the table.

Australia is 6th on the table.

Korea is 7th on the table.

Japan is 8th on the table.

Italy is 9th on the table.

Ukraine is 10th on the table.


Thursday, August 21, 2008

22 August . The disco

Lauren,Michaela and i went to the disco .But before we leftwe got a make over . It was fun

All about me

My name is Sarah.

I am nine

I live with my Mum,Dad,& my [2]sisters.

I have 2 sisters.

I have 2 cats.

I love to draw.

My favourite memory is my family & I at Australia.

I love to drink Hot chocolate.

My favourite tipe of weather is nice hot sunny days.

The End!

Monday, August 18, 2008

Robert the Bruce

Hi my name is Jack,
I found this clip on. youtube I hope you enjoy it. it is cooled robert the bruse by jack b

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Michelle and Xiaoling

Hi My name is Michelle.
I am going to tell you about my self.
I am 8 years old and i have 4 people
in my family.
The sport i like the best is Netball.
I love pizza because it is delicious.
Xiaoling and her sister is my friends
My sister is about to go to girls high
which is my future school.

My name is Xiaoling.
I am 8 years old and I like to draw.
I like swimming because its fun to do in the summer.
The food I like is sushi and its delicious.
Michelle is my friend and Im going to girls high
for my future school

Thankyou for reading

My pet cat

My Name is Millie.
I have A Pet Cat Called Mosey She is
having Kittens on the 16th 17th or 18th
I have two more Cats Called Spot and

Monday, August 11, 2008

Ben Jenkins

Hi my name is Ben (you can't call me Benjamin because that is NOT my name). My favourite animal is a Cow/Kau. My favourite sport is rugby. I really enjoy watching Animal planet and eating apples.


Cindy was a good cat, she died on the 28th May. Cindy was chocolate brown and very very fluffy. Cindy's birthday was on easter day. Cindy also had a sister called Hilary. Both of them were Mainecoons.

The Ultimate Shoe's!!!

For Reading we were designing an ultimate shoe.
It has to be a sport's shoe and you have to advertise it really well.
Emily did advertise it really well so I guess it would make people want buy it. Ben's shoe is for rugby. It has rocket booster's and super sonic speed.I think Theresa's shoe is really neat and it's the best drawing of a shoe I've ever seen! Louis's shoe is imaginative because it has wing's and spikes on it.My shoe has spike's and a wheel on it. The spike's aren't to long so the wheel's can still work.By Harry.W

All about ME!!!!!!

My name is Stella and I was born on the 19th of January 2000.I am 8 years old now and I am in room 20.

The new girl

In our class, their is a new girl. Her name is Rhiannon. (You may have heard another post about her.)

She used to live in Whangarei and her parents owned a Motel. We don't know what is the name of the motel yet.

She sits next to Emily, Stella, Jack C and Lauren. Phew! Lucky we had a spare desk. Two in fact.

She has brownish-blondish hair and blue eyes.

By Theresa.

Horse riding at olympics

The olympic games are going great!
Have you seen the horse riding?
New Zealand are not going that great.
Mark todd is the best.
The cross country was very hard.
Do you have your own horse?


This term our class has been learning about the Olympics
like a lot of other classes.
We have had a lot of fun studying the different races,
we all made posters with facts on them.


That the Olympic flag was first flown during the
1920 Olympic Games.

And that Hayden and Brad Shaw are brothers in the blacksticks.

Term 3 Rhiannin Jooyoung Harry

Sunday, August 10, 2008

About Me

Its Lauren here.
I've just come down from Tauranga.
I have made a few friends lately.
I've got a brother called George
and a sister called Riley.
My best friend is my sister.
My hobby is singing.
Sarah, Rhiannon and I are making up a kids national anthem
for the Olympic games.
My mums name is Vanessa and my dads name is Daryn.
My favourite colour is violet.
I live in Christchurch
I've got to go.


Hi. I am Jooyoung and I am going to talk about atoms . Atoms are small things so you can't see them. They have a atomic number which means how many atoms are needed to make that element.So Hydrogen's atomic number is 1 so it has 1 atom. There are elements made from atoms like Cobalt, Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nitrogen and more. Atoms join into molecules. Molecules turn into cells. Cells turn into us people. Atoms are very interesting. There
are more facts about atoms I want learn.Atoms are cooler than you think.My favourite elements are Cobalt, Nitrogen and Oxygen. If you want to know more facts ask me Jooyoung.


History of guns

Guns are really powerful weapons.Guns are made up of a handle,barrel,scope and trigger with a few extra bits inside.The gun is a smaller and more advanced weapon than a cannon. The cannon is a large weapon and is more powerful than a gun but is not as agile as a gun and doesn't have a scope so is not very good at aiming.The cannon was invented by the chinese blacksmiths as well as the gun.Cannons were invented in the
11th century and a couple of year later the gun was invented.We use guns for killing,hunting and sports.
I hope you liked Moss and Jack C's blog.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Room 20s Blog

Room 20 has made a blog which is so cool. A lot of people in our class has started blogging. It is very fun to blog. This is my first blog ever done by myself. Oh my name is Jooyoung. This is funner than I thought. I think Room 20s blog is going to be very famous. It is possible to tell that I will do more blogs than anyone can think. I want to be a (Tech Wizard) because I think I am good at the computer.Well thats all for today.

Well bye

Olympic games

Hi!!! My name is Jessica. The Olympic games are on and they are
in Beijing this year and NZ waiting to win

In flat-water rowing (for woman) we came third. For men's in gymnastics,
we did the rings, beam and the poles.
For women and men's swimming, they did the butterfly and the freestyle.

For the kids, I saw the diving.We came first for kids.

1)Some of china's fireworks were fake for the opening Ceremony.'o'
2)When the girl was singing, they thought she was too ugly,
so they got another girl to mime it and the real girl was
behind the scenes singing it. 'o'

By Jessica.

Olympic Games

Hi it's Annabelle In Rm 20. We have been learning about the Olympic Games.
We made these little posters around the class room.We enjoyed making them it was fun.
I learnt that the Olympic Games are held on the 8.8.08. We have had a lot of fun learning about the events.
In a corner of the class room we made a cool medal table and China has WON!!!

USA came 2nd and Russia came 3rd it's bad luck that we didn't get placing.
We have had so much fun learning about the Olympic Games.


By Annabelle Rouse

In room 20

In room 20 we are learning about the Olympic Games
and also in math we are learning about fractions,and it is very fun.
This term we are doing art also we are learning to write instructions.
On Tuesdays after morning tea we have Mrs R in our class.We write poems.
We like our class because it's brilliant and fun!

Water cycle

Hi it's Matisse. Here we are going to do some science experiments and learn about science. For example we have been learning about the water cycle. This is how it goes: it starts off at the sea, then it evaporates and turns into water vapour and then gathers to make a cloud. Then they travel up while they do that they collect more and more water vapour and by the time it gets to the top it has too much water vapour it rains. Forms a river and travels to the sea, and that's the water cycle.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

The new girl Rhiannon

My name is Rhiannon. I am 8 years old. I moved here 2 weeks after term 3 holidays.
(Harry speaking) Rhiannon is the new girl in Room 20.She has made a lot of friends
this week.
(Jooyoung speaking)Rhiannon is a girl that came to our class on Monday.

About the Olympics

We are so excited about the Olympics! The last Olympics were in Athens. We are excited because it is a BIG event and it doesn't
happen often. Jack's favourite Olympic game is swimming , Jamin's favourite sport is Taekwondo and my favourite Olympic sport is soccer and the five Olympic rings represent the five continents and the flame was ignited by the sun. The Olympic flag
was first flown during the 1920. Did you know that the colours on the Olympic logo wich are blue, yellow, black, green and red.
The colours were chosen because at least one of the colours are on each country's flag (New Zealand is black!). Finally we've got some medals! 2 gold medals, 1 silver medal and 5 bronze medals! Well that's everything we've got!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

The Olympic Games

In room 20 we have been learning about the olympic games.
First we found out information about the olympic games.
We made a corner for the olympic games.
If you would like to see the corner please feel welcome to come to room 20 and have a look.

The olympic games

In Room 20 we have been learning about the Olympic Games.
First we found some facts about the Olympic Games.
This year it is held in Beijing.
Here are some facts about the Olympics.
There are five Olympic rings,red,black,green,blue and yellow.
The Olympic Games starts on Friday the 8th of August.
The time is 8 Pm.
Room 20 made a corner for the Olympic Games.
You may come to room 20 to see the corner of the Olympic Games

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Welcome to Room 20's blog

And they're off. In true Olympic spirit, Room 20 have finally got out of the starting blocks and can now start blogging. It will be a Marathon, not a sprint, but just remember, it's the taking part that counts.